Social programme
Workshop Dinner
Thursday, July 5th, 2012, 20.30
Address & meeting point:
University of Vienna / Arkadenhof
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
A-1010 Vienna
Excursion: Viennese Waltz training @ Elmayer Dance School
Friday, July 6th, 2012, 15.00 - 17.00
Private dance class, the most exclusive way to learn how to dance. Elmayer is synonymous with typical sophisticated Viennese lifestyle and education. As such the Elmayer Dancing School is unique in the world today.
Fortunately we found an easy and very relaxed and entertaining way to enable everybody to acquire the know how to dance Viennese Waltz within the shortest period of time. This activity is totally independent of climatic circumstances – cool (airconditioned) in summer and dry and warm in winter. Don’t forget to take along clean shoes with smooth soles especially in case of bad weather outside - no dresscode!
Address & meeting point:
Elmayer Dance School
Bräunerstraße 13
1010 Vienna